Meeting in Cancun!

How does a meeting in Cancun Mexico sound? Yes Cancun, at an all-inclusive hotel!

The meeting dates are tentatively set for March 7 – 11, 2011. We have contacted the hotel but need to get an idea on the number of people that will be attending. The rate will be $469 per person based on double occupancy for 4 nights. This rate includes hotel, tax and round trip airport transfers. The max per room is 3 regardless of age. For a triple room, the first 2 people will pay $447, the 3rd person age 2-12 pays $248. If the 3rd person is over 12 the rate is $447.

Please advise by Tuesday, September 14, 2010 if you will be interested in attending. You can respond via Email or call Missy at (800) 899-9961. Once I have a count on the number of rooms as well as type (double, triple, etc), I can secure the accommodations. The payment is not due until December 1, 2010 but we must reserve the rooms as soon as possible. If not rates and availability are subject to change.

Visit the Resorts website HERE

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