RMV 38 – Easy Video Marketing Strategies
Welcome to Resort Marketing Vids. Iâm Michael Grimm, here for the Resort Developers Association.
A couple weeks ago we shared the importance of video marketing and last week we discussed itâs simplicity in a few different forms of easy video marketing that can be implemented online.
Today we have a special offline video marketing strategy thatâs proven over time to be both easy and effective. This specific marketing piece is a DVD that can be used and passed on by your members.
If youâre one of the mom and pop resorts with a restrictive budget and a light support staff, then this strategy isnât for you, the online methods are better suited to fit your needs where your at right now.
But if you have about two thousand dollars, four people who can work together freely for a few days, and the sales power in place to close buyers, then this will be an easy program for you to put into place before the seasonâs up.
Itâs a trick we picked up from the insurance industry a few years back. But theyâre not the only oneâs to do it. Disney has actually done an incredible job perfecting this process as well.
The problem is, most employees at most companies canât tell you the first thing about it. They donât know the mission statement, the values, or in some cases, canât even accurately describe the product theyâre selling. And you know that if they canât the customers, or members in our case, certainly canât.
That means that for each different member you have out there, there exists a mangled, regurgitated version of your sales pitch.
Itâs because most of your members have already been through your sales pitch and every one of them has told someone else about it, a friend, relative or co-worker. And I can guarantee two things about how they did it. First, that person condensed the wonderful ninety minute presentation that the sales person did down into about two minutes. And second, that they did not do nearly as good a job at presenting that data as the sales person did.
You canât force your members not to share what they learned during the sales pitch and theyâre going to do it anyway. So we submit that you take your best sales person, on their best day, have them do an on camera presentation highlighting the benefits of the resort, giving the common responses to the most frequent objections, and closing with a call to action such as: âGet with the person who showed you this video to check out the resort on a guided tour this weekend, or call 1-800-253-1762 now to book your tour.â
Putting one of these videos together and dropping it in the hands of every member isnât going to cause you to have guests knocking down the gate to get in. But it will do three things. First, it will increase the credibility of the resort by having a record of whatâs offered and a physical information tool to distribute. Second, it will cut down on a lot of the inaccurate and mangled regurgitations your members share with their friends. And third, it will increase the opportunity you have for referrals significantly.
This is the foundation of some of the strongest referral programs across the country. If it works for corporate giants, small companies with complicated sells, insurance firms, travel programs, and grass roots organizations from Los Angeles and even San Diego, it can work for you too. Iâll see you next week.