Resort Marketing Vids
Easy Video Marketing 2
Video Transcript
Welcome to Resort Marketing Vids. Iâm Michael Grimm for the Resort Developers Association.
Last week we started to talk about the power video marketing has to accelerate the buying process.
And when it comes to making decisions on the internet especially, video is a force to be reckoned with. Consider this â Over the holiday season last year, consumer video usage on both retail and brand sites, was up a whopping 897% over the previous holiday season.
The public is begging for video content. And itâs influencing their purchase decisions too. People that view a video prior to making a purchase decision, are 64% more likely to make the purchase than those that did not view a video. Thatâs a huge difference a little video can make.
So what does that mean to you? I mean statistics are all good and fun and all, but how does it help? How can you use video marketing to your advantage today?
Well, there are several ways. Iâll give you a couple now, then next week Iâll give you a couple more. At the end of the month weâve got a report ready for you thatâs full of ways you can use it.
Your budget and your location play heavily into what type of video marketing you should pursue. So weâll stick to online video marketing for the moment and cover offline techniques in the future.
An easy way to start actively marketing with video is to bust out your flip cam, and start recording some videos with locally relevant keywords.
 Basically, find what the people in your area are looking for online, then create videos about how your resort does exactly whatever that is.
This can be applied to any interest or niche. Iâm a fan of the outdoors and chances are, your resort caters to an outdoors-ish crowd.
So letâs run with that. Do you guys have mountain biking trails, hiking trails, kayaking, snowmobiling, jet skiing, boating, fishing, or golf?
Go over to the Google Adwords Keyword tool. Search for your city and whichever of those things you do, then use the keywords with the highest search volume as the basis for your video.
This means youâve got a great chance of gaining exposure to people who have never even heard of your resort before, but whose interests align with yours. It also means when people are searching your resort to find out what itâs all about because theyâre going up for a tour this weekend (and we already know that 98% will), theyâre going to find videos that show things they may be interested in.
Weâve already learned that relevant videos can boost conversions over 60%. Well, forget about 60% what if it only boosted your tour to sale conversions 16%? What would a 16% close rate increase mean to the resort?
Thatâs just one example though. Say you actually have equipment for one of those outdoor activities we listed earlier. Do you rent it out to members? Throw up a page on your website for rental information. Have your video redirect people to that page. That way when youâve got 50-400 people searching for âoutdoor activityâ in âyour local cityâ each month, itâs your resort theyâre being exposed to. You capture their interest, then offer them something in exchange for their contact information. Nurture the lead, and youâve got a new prospect.
I hope that gets the wheels in your head turning. Next week Iâll let you in on one of my favorite video marketing strategies that automates your marketing.
Iâm Michael Grimm for the Resort Developers Association.
Iâll see you next week.Â