Major Facebook Changes 01 Transcript

RMV Episode 24 – Transcript

The 1st MAJOR Facebook Change {Cover Photo}

Hey, welcome to resort marketing vids. I’m Michael Grimm, here for the Resort Developers Association. Today I’m here to start sharing a couple Major changes Facebook has in the mix. They’ve got so many things changing, and they’re so big, we’ll be working together to cover the changes, and how they’ll affect you, in depth for you over the next couple months.

So, real quickly, we’ll cover the first major change being rolled out. Which are the giant Cover photos, and tiny profile images you may have already seen on personal profiles. It’s the most visible change they’ve made, and if you’re an avid user you may already be familiar with.

First, here’s an example of a new Facebook business page with cover photo. You can see the standard profile image has been expanded to an image that spans nearly the entire screen.

A few things to note about this. The new pixel dimensions for the cover photo range from a minimum of only 399 pixels wide, to a maximum of 850 pixels wide by 315 pixels high. Now, if you don’t know what pixels are, that’s ok, just forward the information along to your graphic designer. They’ll know what to do with them.

Now, the dimensions for the little photo in the bottom left corner, the profile picture, has even dimensions of 180 pixels by 180 pixels.

That’s all you need to know for size. Now let’s cover the restrictions.

Facebook has decided to limit the content people are allowed to include in their cover photo. These restrictions, for now, are “No Call to Action”, and “No Contact Information.”

This includes things like having text in your image that says “Like our Page”, or even “Contact Us.” It also means we can no longer display things like our website URL, resort phone number, or physical address in the main image.

Facebook’s stated purpose for these changes was something to the effect of ‘they wanted pages to become more of a storytelling platform.’

All that means for us is that we get to put on our thinking caps, get creative, and do what we do best – Innovate. In the coming weeks, I’ll be developing several of these new creative cover photos for different developers in the network. Once completed, I’ll showcase them here as examples. Hopefully this will give you some ideas of where to start. And hopefully, you’ll come up with some clever ideas that you’ll be willing to share with the rest of us.

So, that’s all for this weeks resort marketing video. Next week I’ll share with you another Major change that Facebook is rolling out on the 30th – and this one’s a doozy. Aside from the cover photo, this change will probably have the most impact on your Facebook presence. All I’ll tell you now is that it has to do with your default landing tabs, or, welcome tabs. So join us next week as I explain what that actually means, what the implications are for your resort, and what you can do about it.

Thanks for watching, I’ll see you later.

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